Bienvenue sur le site web personnel de palkeo.
This is both a blog where I publish articles, and also a mean of introducing myself and a few projects I worked on.
I’m a Software Engineer by trade, with a real passion for that field.
Below you can read more about me and look at my blog articles.
Last blog articles¶
04/24/2023 - THCon 2023 “supplychain” writeup
01/13/2021 - Critical analysis of Flashbots
05/02/2020 - Python logging: do’s and don’ts
02/18/2020 - The bZx attacks explained
02/18/2019 - Analyzing suspicious smart contract vacuuming
12/05/2018 - How to steal Ethers: scanning for vulnerable contracts
12/04/2018 - Pakala: yet another EVM symbolic execution tool
12/02/2018 - Syncing a Parity Archive Node: How-To
12/11/2016 - The perfect password manager
03/21/2016 - Static IPv6 with Online.net [fr]