Neo4j tips : starting & optimizing

This article is a collection of tips and informations that I found useful to know about neo4j, when learning about it. It also presents some performance tips (from the developer point of view).

To start, read the refcard, and try using the web interface at http://localhost:7474.


Example script that uses py2neo. It can be used to create benchmarks :

import datetime
from py2neo import Graph

def bench(query, count, reset=True):
    graph = Graph()

    if reset:"MATCH (n) OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r]-() DELETE n,r")"CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (node:Node) ASSERT node.number IS UNIQUE")"CREATE (r:Root)")

    start =
    tx = graph.cypher.begin()
    for i in range(count):
        tx.append(query, {'i': i})

    print('query : %s' % query)
    print("%i queries. %s/second." % (count, count // ( - start).total_seconds()))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    bench("MATCH (:Root)-[:Child]->(n:Node {number: {i}}) RETURN n.count", 1000)
    bench("CREATE (:Root)-[:Child]->(:Node {number: {i}, count: 1})", 1000)
    bench("MATCH (root:Root) CREATE (root)-[:Child]->(:Node {number: {i}, count: 1})", 1000)
    bench("MATCH (root:Root) MERGE (root)-[:Child]->(n:Node {number: {i}}) ON CREATE SET n.count = 1 ON MATCH SET n.count = n.count + 1", 1000)
    bench("MATCH (root:Root)-[:Child]->(n:Node {number: {i}}) SET n.count = n.count + 1", 1000)
    bench("MATCH (root:Root) CREATE UNIQUE (root)-[:Child]->(n:Node {number: {i}}) SET n.count = coalesce(n.count, 0) + 1", 1000)

When you use py2neo, if you know that some requests can take a long time you have to put that at the top of your script :

from py2neo.packages.httpstream import http
http.socket_timeout = 9999

If you don’t do that, after one minute or so the HTTP request will timeout…

With the py2neo Cypher API, the functions I used were:

  • transactions: with the begin function to get a transaction object.

  • execute_one (if the query returns only one column and one row)

  • stream (if the query returns multiple columns/rows)

  • run (if the query don’t return anything. If you do it multiple time, use a transaction instead !)

Queries performance

The most important thing to know (also true with classic RDBMS) : each time you do a query, it has to be sent to the server, parsed… So try to group them using transactions. In particular, if you want to do a lot of queries to write/modify items, transactions will lead to a HUGE improvement in performance, as there is only one sync() to the disk per transaction.

You should also use parameters, instead of inserting them in your queries (a little like prepared statements in SQL). The query will be cached, and if it is sent again with the same parameters, the execution plan will not be calculated again. To use them with py2neo, place your dictionary of parameters as the second argument of query functions.

Teach yourself about the MERGE and CREATE UNIQUE clauses. Try running the script above: You can see that there are big differences between variations of queries, so try to do some benchmarks before. In my case, these clauses were far slower than a MATCH followed by a CREATE/UPDATE.

There is an equivalent to the EXPLAIN ANALYZE of SQL: just put PROFILE before your query to see what it does under the hood.

Read about the indexes (legacy indexes are used to do things like full-text indexing using lucene, and schema index are like plain indexes in SQL). Using schema index (or using constraints) on the property of a node can really do the difference. Maybe, you can store redundant data in a property if it helps creating a constraint that will ensure your data is clean, and makes access way faster !

Don’t think too much about reducing the size of the data you store by putting less into the nodes, concentrate more on the requests you make, the indexes…

There is also a lot of information in the documentation, but it is more about server/OS tuning.


If you want to delete all the nodes in your database, it’s best to run :

MATCH ()-[r]-() DELETE r

However, this won’t work if you have a lot of nodes (a million or more), because it is done in one transaction, and the transactions are kept in memory.

In that case, the best is to do a rm -r data/graph.db in the neo4j data folder.

See here for more information.